Quadria supports local authorities in reducing waste


Quadria organises training courses to raise users’ awareness of waste sorting and/or composting.


Our training courses are developed and delivered by our qualified instructors or master composters.


They are designed to be suitable for all audiences: sorting ambassadors, local authority workers, the general public and school children.


Combining a personalised slide show shown by video projection and live interventions, the sessions are intended to be instructive, friendly and fun.

They are an essential promotional tool for successful waste reduction campaigns.


  • Public meeting

Open to all


  • Kerbside

Training during the distribution of new bins or during a survey


  • Communication to users on good sorting practices

Events, posters, e-mailing, letters, social media, specific website



OUR OBJECTIVE: To raise your users’ awareness of waste reduction by good sorting practices and learning to compost.

One in two French people practice composting.

Source : CNIID

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Contacter Quadria Une Question ? +33 557 977 500 prix d'un appel local