QUADRIA takes charge of the kerbside distribution of the waste containers chosen by the local authority in question
- Preparatory meeting
Definition of your orientations, audit of resources, cartography, city map, on existing or new data bases.
- Definition of a procedure
Reverse planning, list of priorities, creation of a form, assessment of a number of passages.
- Communication to users
To inform them of a distribution operation (public meetings, events, posters, e-mailing, letters, social media, specific website).
- Distribution to users
Kerbside, notice left if the occupier is absent, online form, office, toll-free number.
- Data collection
Delivery of a database to the local authority.
THE OBJECTIVE: To give every user the waste container chosen by the local authority and inform them of its use.
Household refuse includes: 32.2% organic matter / 21.5% paper and cardboard / 12.7% glass / 11.2% plastics / 3% metals / 19.4% other.