Container collection

RFID chips

Launched by the “Grenelle de l'Environnement”, this measure offers French local authorities a new calculation of the household waste tax: the "incentive fee". The installation of RFID chips allows French local authorities to charge more fairly according to the amount of waste generated by each household.

  • Cost effective
  • Ecological
  • Functional

"The incentive fee is a fairer system of charging for waste collection, but it is also a step forward in sustainable development as it encourages the reduction of household waste. We developed this product to participate in this process."

Bruno V.

Quadria adviser


Cost effective

Our consultants, who are perfectly familiar with the constraints of the waste service, will propose the simplest global solution adapted to your needs, and the lowest possible cost. Their advice will support you beyond the equipment, right up to the first invoices. Implementing the incentive fee can be envisaged in several phases and spread over time.



In line with the “Grenelle de l’Environnement”, the incentive fee encourages better waste management and waste reduction.



The sociological, political and geographical specificities of local authorities make each one a unique case to study. Taking into account a local authority’s previous acquisitions and its specificities (sociological, geographical…), we propose to harmonise, complete or replace the bins, to equip the refuse collection trucks, but also to choose the software which will compile the chip data and produce the invoices. Given the complexity of the equipment, QUADRIA is a supplier of a wide range of containers adapted to all collections.


If you would like information or a visit from our consultant in your area, please fill in the form by clicking here.

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