Green waste management

Green waste paper bag

BIOGREEN bags are biodegradable, compostable, resistant, treated against humidity. They offer a solution perfectly suited to the sustainable development approach.

  • Ecological
  • Practical
  • Biodegradable
  • Compostable
  • Strong
  • Non damp
Déchets pris en charge
  • Green waste
  • Meal leftovers
  • Fermentable household waste

"Designed to withstand a few days outdoors, the kraft paper bags then gradually decompose with the green waste they contain on the composting platforms."

Nathalie M.

Quadria adviser


Two bag models are available:

  • The “open-mouth” or “G.O.” type. “Available in 50, 80, 100 or 110 litres
  • The “S.O.S.” type. Available in 80 or 100 litres

Made from pure cellulose kraft paper (1 or 2 sheets), these bags are treated against humidity (WS).




Logo printing, instructions for use, sorting instructions… 1 to 2 colours – 2 sides.

Water-based inks without heavy metals and food-grade adhesive.

Packaged in packs of 10 to 25 bags on pallets of 2500 to 4000 bags.

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